Monday, September 15, 2008

Troop 52610

Girl Scout Troop #52610
2008-2009 Meeting Schedule

September 16th (Tuesday) – “Water Everywhere” Try-it, Lebanon Hills

October 5th (Sunday) – Fieldtrip to Fort Snelling, 2:00 – 5:00
“Listening to the Past” Try-it

17th (Friday) – Optional fieldtrip to Giantstep Theatre play
“Mission to Frostbite Mountain” (Emma, Ellie and Rylee are in the play!)

28th (Tuesday) – Halloween Party, Emma Anderson’s House

November 11th (Tuesday) – Stampin’ Up Workshop, location TBD (possibly R.P. art room)

25th (Tuesday) – Feed My Starving Children, 6:00 – 7:30

December 16th (Tuesday) – Holiday gathering/possibly caroling, Ellie C. House

January mid-month (Saturday) – Cookie Rally

20th (Tuesday) – Mad Science, location TBD

February 10th (Tuesday) – Snowshoeing at Lebanon Hills (If there’s not enough snow, we will probably do a winter hike.)

24th (Tuesday) – “Stitch it Together” Try-it, location TBD

March 10th (Tuesday) – Fieldtrip to JoAnn Fabrics

April 7th (Tuesday) – Meeting, topic TBD
17th (Friday) – Sweetheart Dance

May *** We are still in the process of determining a mother/daughter camp-out or activity. Once we have that all figured out will plan the rest of April and May accordingly.

*Please note that some of our activities planned later in the year are pending confirmation
so some dates and/or activities may change.

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