Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fieldtrip to Fort Snelling

Fort Snelling was once the Northern most outpost of the U.S. Army, the fort was accessible only by water or forest trail, making it truly remote. After the 1840's the role of the fort changed from protecting the fur trade to becoming a training center for troops who fought in every major conflict from the Civil War to World War II
Celina, Danielle, Erin, Erica S. Ellie, Rylee, front, Emma, Erica & Sophie

The Blacksmith Shop, He was making nails

The first school in 1820's

Dolls in the children's room
Colonel Josiah Snelling and his wife.. Commanding officer's Quarters

Hospital.. We found out that you don't tell the doctor what was wrong with you back in those days.. They told you!

Drinks from the store
Round Tower
Firing the cannon
Kitchen fire...Below the house


Lebanon Hills Park

Today was our First Brownie Meeting of the year!! We are working on the "Water Everywhere" Try it badge. It was lots of fun!!

Science Experiments.. Using salt water. Ask your daughter what she learned about Salt and Fresh Water.
Salt water was blue and the fresh water was yellow... Mixed slowly together. The salt water is heaver due to all the salt and the fresh water floats on top.

Brownie... snack time..

How can you conserve water?