Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's a New Year!! 2009 Cookie Rally!!

Cookie Rally 2009

Holiday Party

Happy Holidays 2008

Red Nose Relay Race....

Singing Christmas Carols....

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...

Making a tree decoration.

Christmas memories...

Badges and a special gift made by Jennifer!!

Erica Rylee Danielle Celina

Erica Emma Ellie Erin
Our Troop!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stamp It Up!!!

Stampin Up Workshop...location TBD
Tuesday, November 11th....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween Party

Halloween Party!!!



Halloween party at Rylee's, Tuesday October 28th!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mission To Frostbite Mountain

The Cast!!

Lakeville Area Art Center
Brownies and friends
Emma (gray & orange) & Ellie (brown and green)
Rylee (wearing green & brown)


We attend the play "Mission to Frostbite Mountain" at the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Three of our Brownie girls; Ellie, Emma and Rylee were in the play. Great job girls!!!

A New Brownie!!

Erica S. Welcome to our Troop!!
Here are some things about Erica.. She's a super swimmer!! Plays all types of sports: Volley Ball, Basket Ball, etc..
Ask her more about herself...

We have a New Brownie!!

We have a new member in our Brownie troop!
Her name is Sophie B. Here are some details about Sophie:

Sophie has Mrs. Rons this year at R.P.
Outside of school, she loves making earrings, playing with friends and her brother--a kindergartner at P.W.,
listening to music and dancing.
We have a pet bunny named Samantha. She is a gray, Polish Dwarf, and she's absolutely adorable.
Sophie's favorite foods are tacos and pizza, and her favorite color is pink.
Her favorite movies are Camp Rock, the High School Musicals, and Hannah Montana.
Let's give her a warm welcome when we meet her for our Fort Snelling field trip this Sunday!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fieldtrip to Fort Snelling

Fort Snelling was once the Northern most outpost of the U.S. Army, the fort was accessible only by water or forest trail, making it truly remote. After the 1840's the role of the fort changed from protecting the fur trade to becoming a training center for troops who fought in every major conflict from the Civil War to World War II
Celina, Danielle, Erin, Erica S. Ellie, Rylee, front, Emma, Erica & Sophie

The Blacksmith Shop, He was making nails

The first school in 1820's

Dolls in the children's room
Colonel Josiah Snelling and his wife.. Commanding officer's Quarters

Hospital.. We found out that you don't tell the doctor what was wrong with you back in those days.. They told you!

Drinks from the store
Round Tower
Firing the cannon
Kitchen fire...Below the house
